The metadata for each trackline gives further instruction on using the hyperlink feature.

The "hotlink" attribute points to the MATLAB JPEG image, while the "hlink2" attribute points to the long version of the EarthImager 2D JPEG image. Within the CRP tracklines shapefile, two text attributes, "hotlink" and "hlink2", can be utilized to hyperlink to the JPEG images of the resistivity profiles. The CRP tracklines can be hyperlinked to associated images within ArcGIS. For this reason, these data are organized by day of collection and are available as WinZip files for each day of data. Each line of data acquisition comprises multiple files as described in the Methods section of this report. In addition to the GIS data, this report also contains CRP data available in both raw and processed formats. These data files can be downloaded directly from the CD-ROM or from the table below. In addition, the text, FAQ, and HTML versions of the metadata for each dataset have links provided below. The XML metadata format generated and viewable by ArcCatalog is also included in the WinZip file. The files necessary to load each dataset into a compatible GIS have been compressed into a single WinZip file, along with FGDC-compliant metadata in text, FAQ, and HTML formats. Clicking on the image in the 'View' column of GIS-compatible data will display a thumbnail image of the dataset. For the sake of brevity, only the filename prefix has been included in the column 'Filename' listed below extensions have been excluded. The raster data are available in ESRI binary grid format and GeoTIFF format. All of the data files also include the *.prj files, which contain the dataset projection information. Shapefiles generally include *.shp, *.shx, and *.dbf files at a minimum. The vector data are available in Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shapefile format. This report contains Geographic Information System (GIS) data in vector and raster format.